For all those who wanted to listen Larry and I recorded the show ourselves and here it is - please share with others as it appears this blocking is shadow banning under another name - “Tech problems” but other shows have no problems…
The night is soon coming when all of this will be impossible. Thanks for listening.
Stewart, you should be flattered they blocked your message on blog talk, and to be worth following to cause them to shadow ban you. I would consider it a badge of honor. If they hated Jesus, they certainly will hate those who follow Him on the straight and narrow...Anyway, as you say....and on and on it goes...
Thanks for trying and posting it regardless of the outcome. Hallelu-Yah. We love you, and LORD willing, we'll be listening tomorrow night. If not, we pray the good LORD will usher in the New Year with abundant blessings to you and yours, and Larry and Darnette's, family. Susan and Russ
God bless you Stewart for figuring out a way around the "BLOCK" Talk Radio people! Listening now. Enjoy hearing all your shows and at least this way, you can make the shows as long as you want!
I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. (John 9:4)