Millions of Americans (Babylonians), cheered and shouted for joy when the BLACK SUN appeared over America, not knowing that they were welcoming in EVIL because of their total apostasy, not knowing this SIGN IN THE HEAVENS was a final warning to either TURN or BURN.
“ORDER OUT OF CHAOS” goes the Masonic Motto, and CHAOS will soon engulf America/Babylon as never before as this eclipse was in fact the warning of the complete opening of the GATES OF HELL to be unleashed upon the world, but especially the USA. Most do not realize that an eclipse is a BLACK SUN, or that the Third Reich (now the 4th Reich) used that symbol, which is tied directly to Nibiru, the arrival, channeling demonic spirits, anti-gravity craft, space travel and all the rest. This EVIL attack will come from many an angle, so get ready for the unexpected…
This eclipse was a BLACK SUN, tied directly the the BLACK AWAKENING the release of MK-ULTRA super solders when the signal is given. What we saw was millions of American apostates, showing those who are watching the spiritual side of things, the true state of the SPIRIT of the people in America and all around the world who flocked here to witness this FINAL and COMPLETE warning to America and the world.
The global deep state was working overtime with spraying chem-trails or pathogens, all along the route of the eclipse - shown on many a TV channel to those watching, later verified by satellite pictures with very few areas that escaped it. Now why would they do that knowing millions of people wanted to see the eclipse under clear skies? Why would global deep state do that? Many a report said that this eclipse was also MUCH DARKER than usual, a much deeper darkness, so dark you could feel it. Why was that? Is it because we are about to see the DEEP DARKNESS OF SATAN and his demonic hordes unleashed upon us?
Jeremiah 13:16
Give glory to the Lord your God, before he cause darkness, and before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and, while ye look for light, he turn it into the shadow of death, and make it gross darkness.
God is warning us that the Church Age, the AGE OF GRACE, the age of the STRAIT GATE and NARROW WAY TO FIND CHRIST IS ABOUT OVER - For an “eclipse” is the sign of Jonah, the SIGN OF CHRIST ON THE CROSS who died for the sins of the world and the “eclipse” that lasted 3 hours. That was the SIGN OF JONAH to those people back then when Jesus spoke those words. He related that SIGN to his death, burial and resurrection. It was a sign to the entire world that REDEMPTION of a fallen humanity was coming at Pentecost, the beginning of the AGE OF GRACE. Remember that Jesus came to form THE CHURCH after He was rejected by Israel, so all of this is about the ending of the Church Age.
Why is there no mention of the STRAIT GATE and NARROW WAY in all of this, when if one looks at the actual width of totality over America it is very NARROW! Even no mention by the prophetic folks out there, full of knowledge of THIS WORLD, speaking evil of the WAY OF THE TRUTH (STRAIT GATE-NARROW WAY), and offer up a simple “ sinner’s prayer as the ticket to eternal life, when Jesus Himself WARNED OF THESE IMPOSTERS - who may know all about worldly matters, but DENY and CONTRADICT the Lord that bought them. Why is that?
Notice the time at 4:40 which is 44 which is 4-11, a sign being seen everywhere by folks. What is this 4-11 mystery? Another ominous SIGN from the Lord that all of this is OVER and a new ERA is about to begin - God is closing the CHURCH AGE and going back to Israel to deal with them. The picture above clearly portrays the “eclipse” of the Church Age and the new age of ANTICHRIST, THE GREAT RESET, the NEW WORLD ORDER, a time of GROSS SPIRITUAL DARKNESS that now covers the whole Earth.
Do you know that 4 in the Bible means WORLD, and that 11 means JUDGMENT, and DISORDER or CHAOS? The 4-11 SIGN in the heavens with those two comets warned us the Church Age was closing, as these two huge and beautiful comets crossed over SATAN’S HEAD crushing Satan’s hold over the Church? That was 27 and 28 years ago - with 27 meaning PREACHING THE GOSPEL and 28 means ETERNAL LIFE!! This is another huge clue as to where we are in the time-line of the Church.
Is 4-11 tied directly to SUDDEN DESTRUCTION and the resulting CHAOS? Is that sign in the heavens the SIGN OF THE REMOVAL OF THE CHURCH? Why else would God cause these two comets to cross over ALGOL when there are billions of other stars He could have used?
Even more interesting is that the 2017 eclipse pass and 2024 pass form a cross of America, meaning TERMINATION.
Alpha and Omega, the beginning and THE END. Do you see? This ECLIPSE SIGN FORMED THE END. TERMINATION. Did you know that Hamas has gone to the UN and demanded they be considered a recognized STATE and to divide Israel on 4-8-2024? Just as the USA will be divided into two when that occurs? The beginning of the termination of America/Babylon began 4-8-2024.
Then there is the 40 days to Pentecost, and because the SIGN OF JONAH was given over and over again, we read that Jonah gave Niniva 40 days to repent or perish. We know from prophecy that America/Babylon will NOT REPENT, and will not be healed:
Jeremiah 51:8-10
8 Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: howl for her; take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed.
9 We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed: forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country: for her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to the skies.
10 The Lord hath brought forth our righteousness: come, and let us declare in Zion the work of the Lord our God.
There will be no NATIONAL REPENTANCE, only individuals, one by one. Is all of this just a coincidence? Some folks have said “we have been here before and everything lined up and nothing happened so what the big fuss about?” We have NEVER had such a group of cosmic signs all aligning up saying the same thing. REPENT OR PERISH.
Do we really then understand what this eclipse of 4-8-2024 is about? Are we so apostate that we think God will keep on with delay after delay so America can repent? The indication is that God is giving us a LAST 40 DAYS to repent and if not GOD WILL DESTROY AMERICA and He will not relent until that destruction is compete.
Thank you Stuart!
Oh yes, you are right on the mark here! I live nowhere near the path of the eclipse. The area I live in received a partial eclipse. However, right at the moment the eclipse began, I was hit with the most horrible feeling. It actually made me nauseous. My plan for the day was to stay indoors, in consultation with Yashua, for the entirety of the eclipse. I was washing dishes and talking to Yashua and not paying much attention to the time. It hit me unaware...I had to look at the clock to see that it had begun. The energy is very heavy still...and this has only just begun. Quite honestly, I have had it with this world and just want to go home...hopefully HE will come get us soon.
Much LOVE and blessings...
Thank you Stewart. This is brilliant. I learn so much from you.
I initially thought we might go home on a Sabbath in Nisan.
I totally agree that the eclipse is a marker which indicates judgement on America Babylon.
40 days then destruction. Wow. I have been on the narrow way since 1990. I hope I can finally encounter our Lord. It would be nice to go home.
I knew Nazi Germany used the symbol of the black sun, but I never knew the black sun referred to a solar eclipse until you explained it. For the last week or so, I have sensed in my spirit an evil. Please Jesus, direct our steps so we may meet you and come into union with you.
Again, God bless you Stewart.