Thank you gentlemen!

You are not alone Larry. I live where the eclipse was partial. I had no intention of being outside during the eclipse. I too, was told in the spirit not to look at it. I had a sense of deep foreboding for several days prior. I was in my kitchen, doing dishes, talking to Yashua when all of a sudden I got hit with a horrible energy. It made be nauseous. I looked at the clock and it was the exact minute the eclipse began here. I was ill all night and had to really work at pushing this energy away. And yes, Darnell is correct. The energy shifted to a very dark, heavy, frequency. I am still adjusting. Your experience was right on the money Larry. You are not alone, many others felt it too. Time to armor up folks! Much LOVE to all here!!❤❤❤

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Amen Larry. I am in Maine and we had 90% eclipse where I live. I was working outside washing maple sap buckets and packing up our sap operation for the season not paying much attention to the eclipse - around eclipse time late afternoon, the air became so still, the birds stopped chirping, and the spring peepers became silent. That got my attention. The silence was deafening. The sky to the west became a deep black and blue , it became rather dark, and my shadow was so sharp. The hair stood up on the back of my neck. I felt a heavy blanket of evil come down from the sky. Something felt terribly wrong and I was so uneasy. My work outside for the afternoon was finished early.

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Thank you Stewart and Larry. God bless you. These messages are very informative as well


I have been through many solar eclipses. This eclipse was different. I too felt the presence

of evil. Something changed.

How few people are paying attention to this marker of judgement on America.

My personal concern is finding our Lord in the brief time we have left. I’m praying the Lord will direct our path. Please Lord, finish the work you have started in us.

I’m not sure how this will end. The Gog-Magog war may start April 11. Maybe we will be raptured on one of the four Sabbaths in Nisan, such as 4/13 or 4/20 in line with the Barley harvest. Maybe the great tribulation will start 40 days from 4/8.

Something is different is the spirit realm. We’re going home.

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As I was waking I heard, "Fealty" and "An accounting."

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thanks guys, very thuoghtful show.

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I was outside in Texas during the eclipse and I also felt a weird shift in the atmosphere. I also captured an evil face in the clouds. And I do feel a different feeling in the air outside since then.

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I was outside in Texas during the eclipse and I also felt a weird shift in the atmosphere. I also captured an evil face in the clouds. And I do feel a different feeling in the air outside since then.

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Larry & Stewart,

Wow! Powerful powerful report!! I just listened to a portion of a born again former satanist who was taken in the spirit by the Lord and while his testimony is from '18-20 it has high similarities to your & Darnett's messages with the Spirit. I'm amazed how God gives us details thru a myriad of fellow Christian's to weave a tapestry no one man/woman could have ever envisioned or built alone. I'm smiling big right now even tho the world is in destruction mode. God is so good. Thank you all for sharing what the Lord gave you. This is the YouTube fairly short partial testimony. I forgot to get his entire name. It's in the video.

Much love & God bless you all and keep you


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A prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself but the simple pass on and are punished 22.3 proverbs

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Amen! Amazing word Larry.

For me it was days before, 4/6 night, when it hit me. It increased as the alignment got closer and closer. What was odd was all my symptoms left ( and they were severe ) once the brightness of the full Sun returned Monday afternoon. Not finished listening to the show yet but had to let you know, you were not alone. Nikki

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