Another great and timely warning. You know, Mike also described a couple of things that take place with the stone steps. He said there would be an uprising. Terrible uprising. Then 20 million people will die. This dream or vision you described White Oak shared with you about millions dying along the east coast, I wonder if these are the same event. God bless you always. Love you dear Brethren. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💖☝🏻

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Absolutely judgment is coming, I have been saying for several years that “America is toast soon burned toast”. I mean seriously it does not take a special genius to decipher the times we are in and how perfectly they are converging with Gods promises, some of them made around 2700 years ago! I’m just hoping and praying God in some way shows His undeniable hand in all this so that it will literally jolt millions out of their same o same o lethargy.

You know guys it was not all that long ago that the church was singing wonderful songs of expectation of eternal joy, and here we are today those songs are the most, I guess feared or dreaded things imaginable. It all just seems surreal doesn’t it. Keep doing what you do best brothers in Christ because whether most like it or not we are definitely in the last days. I hope to see you guys soon: In The Great Getting Up Morning Over There. HALLEL LU JA!!!!!!!!

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The communists used as useful idiots but what's rising fast is the 4th Reich.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

Darnel (the common name of the tares) in addition to refusing to bow prior to the harvest… have a purple grain (feigning royalty) that was used to brew beverages and bake bread with hallucinogenic properties that were mildly poisonous…. I recall it was part of pagan temple worship and rituals. Awesome Spirit Filled testimony on seeking the Face of our Messiah and Agape Love Stewart!

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thanks guys for another great show

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I've spent a great deal of time trying to research eclipses(especially double eclipses) and double blood moons on high feast days going back as far as records go (Jewish & secular). Very enlightening!! This double eclipse is, in my opinion, judgement on America and all countries touched by both eclipses especially. There are records going back last 2,000 yrs proving the significance of these "signs in the heavens." It makes me so sad but I feel in my spirit that She is going down. All the earthquakes & volcanoes are being censored along with horrific storm event damages worldwide. Dutchsinse, reports EQ, kicked off channel by powers that be just yesterday trying to report huge volcano. I believe all of our govt, esp. Fed., know this and have been intentionally been hiding because of anticipated panic.

It's just like He gave the even fake Jews time to repent in Israel, 40 years after they Crucified Christ till raining down fire to Jerusalem & Temple in 70AD. God didn't respond to their "sacrifices" from Christ's crucifixion- Temple destroyed. You'd think they would understand Matt 21:23-46 when Jesus turned it in on them with the Parable of the wicked farmers. They fell hook, line, & sinker to be told by ChristJesus, vs. 43 Therefore, say I unto you, the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof....

The entire planet has been exploding geologically, especially in the past few 7 years!! If you just choose to watch "church" & MSN, you will stay in the closet as to what's really happening. You must be selective/discernment but you still can access almost any information you WANT TO KNOW ABOUT. Jesus literally leads me to what I need to read, watch, hear, I Believe!

Biden's organizations are allowing all of these allowances Only to retain his presidency-continue u.n Invasion The other side we Must keep in mind, though, is satan comes as an angel of light and most rapid changes in history show satan holding both sides of the battle, enjoying watching so-called Godly people kill each other with some saying in the name of Christ or God. Is this a good cop/bad cop dialectic to herd all of the hirlings into what he want? God always had good reasons for the battles He demanded/decreed that some were not finished by Joshua BUT before Joshua died he plainly announced to all Israelites the following Joshua 23:15-17, that the land promise had been fulfilled but that they would lose it due to idolatry, which they did. Dont be hoodwinked by all the dispensationalism & zion- ism because that "theology" will take you down!!! Since David & early Solomon there have been no "decreed"wars from God, my people, outside His destruction of Jerusalem. But let me say, God works good through ALL THINGS, even their evil and will use it to orchestrate the demise of ALL EVIL, as in happening with all of this historically. You have been indoctrinated into nationalism to get you to fight their wars and make money off of you. I believe in self-defense but not all over the world! I love our country and our people! I am blessed beyond measure to have been born here to grow up in the 60s & 70s(although now I see all the ways we went sidetrack!). I write this is pain but in joy/love because my Saviour grabbed me out of my blindness after literally saving my life in 1/2022, and told me to just read His Word(literally pick your Bible off the floor!) and He would show me the Way. He led me to understand He never "ended" the Commandments (7th Day Sabbath being 1) & the only included ordinances/statutes/levitical laws He ended were the ones leading into the crucifixion(sacrificial system-levitical priesthood).

I grew up S. Baptist & have had to come out of that because they Do Not preach it nor believe it. They have no interest in making any change. I'm not for doing everything Jewish, just Honoring God when He said, not on pagan days, & honoring/worshiping any other way I possibly can. Global religion that's coming under rcc somehow, with the pitchforks of u s g over t, will require Sunday rest(probably not worship at first). They already have this on some on their sites as a good idea. This very Well may be Christ's Real test. Do we truly love him enough to follow even His Commandments...not because of law but of LOVE!!Read for yourselves. No Rapture till the end. Christ's has been reigning since Ascension and Chapter 20 of Rev. most misunderstood/mistranslated book in the Bible. Recapitulation written in Greek theatre style. To make a point! He's coming for His Bride because He Reigns!! We will be with Him in the New Jerusalem & the New Earth, wherever that may be, will be beyond glorious & will be forever!! My God does not need to come back & have a redo!!!(esp. not 3 times)

I love all peoples & pray for the salvation, redemption & repentance of all! I want harm to no one, but in some way a spark be lit they can look to Jesus/Yahshua, the One True Messiah, and see the True Light!

First time listener. 4/30 Enjoyed Thank you!

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The Hungarian govt years ago legally requested extradition of Nazi war criminal George Soros to stand trial in Budapest. Every u.s. president has protected Soros and won't comply.

His son is raised just as wicked to continue.

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