thank you guys and God bless us everyone. we gonna need it. anyone notice that the first 3 days of jan 2025 start with wtf

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Larry’s response to the disgruntled writer who so desperately needed to tell y’all how you didn’t have a clue was hilarious! The cia won’t call him back. The nsa won’t return Larry’s calls. Dadgum it them there city boys just won’t call Larry & Stewart back to tell them xactly what’s a flying across the night sky. But Mike Adams apparently got a call back from NSA? CIA? The Chiquita Banana guy?

The internet has made mildly objectionable people into open hostile jerks since they can do so hidden at home behind a computer screen. Unbelievable.

Fascinating report guys. As always. You won’t get any whining from me, no sir. I’m clueless and happy most the time to stay that way. I occasionally begin to pray for dreams & visions but get scared the Lord will answer my prayer & then my imagination takes over. So I pray for you and Stewart to be refreshed renewed restored and empowered to have the gifts of sight and dreams because that sounds way bigger than the average bear can tolerate. Just sayin. And God bless you both for having the strength to hold dreams & visions of Almighty God. That’s a huge responsibility not for the feint of heart. But I will continue to pray for Gods will whether he chooses to use me that way, I’m willing. Scared but willing. We love you two old codgers. And that guy has no friends who whined. I’m pretty sure. 🙏✝️❤️

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Merry Christmas to my favorite guys who always keeping us informed!!

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