It has been an interesting ten days --

July 13 - attempt on Trump

July 16 - Xi suffers massive stroke

July 19 - Crowdstrike goes down in wee hours of early morning

July 19 - Biden has covid and rushed from Vegas to Delaware.

July 20 - Capitol Hill flags at half mast.

July 21 - Biden drops from race

July 21 - Ex Ukrainian MP shot dead

July 22 - Netanyahu comes to USA, no meeting or greeting with Biden. No Biden anywhere.

July 23 - Biden comes out of hiding from Delaware to DC. His face is fuller, his body looks fuller and he is going quickly up and down the airplane steps.

July 24 - flags at full mast.

July 24 - Netanyahu addresses Congress. Biden addresses Democrats. Cause he sure was not addressing the nation.

It's only going to get more interesting. God bless you both, and your families, always.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

Did anyone see the nonresignation speech tonight? I did on YT, and when I zoomed in on JB's eyes, I noticed his pupils were vertical like snake eyes. Took a screenshot of his face and zoomed in on his eyes. I thought he had blue eyes. In the speech they were brown with black vertical pupils...

*Corrected to snake eyes, goats pupils are horizontal.

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Biden has always been, and will always be, a liar. Whatever "version" of Biden this is, it's still a a pack of shameless lies coming out of his mouth.

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Wow... They must have done some special ritual on him. They needed something to manipulate and brainwash the masses. All the lies he said and I just listened to about three minutes of it. I just couldn't take anymore when he said the economy was great and everyone is working and he is taking care of the border. I don't know what planet he is on. Smh

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Jesus said in Matthew 23:33, "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"....they won't.

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I had been paying attention to the flags. They were at half mast from the 20th through the 23rd. They were half mast all day. Shirley Jackson Lee died on the 19th. According to code US4 section 7, flags are flown at half mast until NOON for GOVT officials -- only one morning. But if a president passes, flag half mast for 30 days. For VP - ten days.

So something definitely strange here. They brought them up to full mast today when that Biden character returned to speak.

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The movie Shooter from about 15 or so years ago resembles the assassination attempt

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Crowdstrike named technology pioneer by WEF in 2016

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It was also HRC's hookup for the server that was found in the Bathroom 🤔.

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Thank you.

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I'm in a blue state. We are in trouble. Worse, most people here think things are fine. Or, if they do not think things are fine, no one talks about it. I pray for us.

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Things are so wonderful that I've laid off all my employees and canceled my health insurance.....

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Blessings to you Larry and Stewart. Praying for you to be well and able to continue the work together of warning people who can hear. Praying for people to listen.

Praise God you are SIGHTED guides, not deaf and blind guides.

We need you and your voice needs to be heard. So grateful that you always include The Lord's words in your messages because it is by His word we overcome.

A plague of Blindness and deafness have overcome the people of America and the uk.

Bless you, Rebecca from the uk

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Always appreciate your reports gentlemen. We are indeed in strange times and insanity seems to have taken over America. And as for Yashua, he has no use for cowards...Agape Love is pure courage, why would he consider a coward worthy of it? Yes, the trials can be daunting in this world, but one must prove their worthiness of his gift of Agape Love through patience and persistence in the quest for truth, and the gift of true freedom he offers. Whatever happens here, I will stand in his full armor, undaunted. Much LOVE ❤❤❤

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