The downright insanity, wax cold, debased minds, lawlessness and spiritual blindness is driving me crazy. Such wickedness! Even in the churches. It's like Jesus said, when He returns will there be anyone left for Him. I don't want to talk to anyone anymore. Nobody is listening. It's madness! We are in the way. The faithful will be removed and hell will be loosed upon the world. God already said we are WORSE than Sodom and Gomorrah. WORSE than the days of Noah. Imagine that! Everyone is tattooed and has colored hair. They all look like dirty clowns.
What you said about the children being taught that chemtrails are actually plane exhaust, made me weep for the little ones. Lord please be merciful and SAVE them! 😫 Just heard first monkeypox case in Connecticut. Here we go! 🙄😑 Smh
"Everyone is tattooed and has colored hair. They all look like dirty clowns."
So true. And so poetically put.
And considering the majority of Americans seem to be engaging/sanctifying in this formerly romantic behavior now--and that at one point it was considered "edgy/rebellious/outsider/I-am-a-romantic-ndividualist-thumbing-my-finger-at-the-majority" behavior--I always wonder: Do any of these people consider that their romantic framing has been upended, turned into "acceptable/mainstream" behavior? And that romanticism (of the Roussean type)--which posits that human beings are inherently "good/sinless"--always somehow ends in nihilism and self-destruction?
Without an ABSOLUTE TRUTH there is no truth at all!….Great broadcast guys, getting pretty exciting. Without a doubt we ARE in the last days of the last days! I am so ready for the judgment of our Lord to fall on these nasty EVIL freaks usurping our govt. God Bless you and yours!!!
Based on all the scriptures I've read, I'm a post trib pre wrath person.i got that way by reading many more scriptures than often used.
But lately am starting to see something I find interesting. The way things are happening and thinking all will accelerate rapidly plus time being cut short, it seems the time lag between between pre and post trib may not be years but months or weeks. Both beliefs can't overlap but may be closer than we think. This is good news to me.
Also, I still believe that by reason of strength comes 80 years, I think Jesus returns in 2028, even possibly 2027.
I believe Jesus was crucified in 30 A.D.. Israel was then give 40 years to 70 A.D. to come to Christ, and a third did so, fled out, built churches and vanished into the gentiles that joined thru marriage as they had become one in Christ. That's why so many christians on DNA shocked they are part Israelites. God will reward modern Israel with one third saved in honor of the one third of Israel that built Christianity far greater than the apostles but building on their initial work.
So 30 A.D. to 2030 A.D. is 2000 years or 2 days. So return of Christ would be by math in 2030 but with time cut short to 2028 or possibly 2027 for more reasons left out here.
Will I lose faith if alive in 2031 ? No.
The error would be my understanding and not on God.
But I really think this is all possible.
Thank you both so much for your sincere love of God and his sheep
The image of the metal sphere reminds me of the Sphere within a Sphere in the Vatican Museums by the 93-year-old Arnaldo Pomodoro. His bronze Sphere within a Sphere known in Italian as Sfera con Sfera is a very striking bronze sculpting in the Pine Cone Courtyard (Cortile della Pigna) on display in an outdoor area within the Vatican Museums..
Originally the Sphere within a Sphere was intended for the Vatican but Pomodoro created numerous versions, all in different sizes.
They can be seen on display today in places including
The Vatican Museums,
Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland,
The U.N Headquarters in New York,
Mt. Sinai hospital in New York,
Tel Aviv University in Israel,
University of California, Berkley U.S,
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts U.S,
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art Iowa U.S,
Columbus Museum of Art, Iowa,
De Young Museum in San Francisco U.S,
Hirshhorn Museum in the sculpture garden in Washington D.C
and the Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis U.S. (??)
Great broadcast. I was just speaking with my friend earlier this week who left a 9-year relationship with a narcissist and said he was demon possessed and had a seared conscious. Nothing would help him except deliverance...but he does not believe in GOD. ..he is his own god. She was unequally yoked and I pray that she keeps seeking the FATHER and our BELOVED MESSIAH & KING!
So "Greg Abbot" is building a wall in Texas, eh? Ah, that's nice to hear. So quaint. Not going to do much to stop the intended demographic shift that is being imposed on America, though. As with California, our controllers are flying Chinese and Indians in to Texas in droves. These sorry obedient Borg-like entities are being brought here to run the great reset technocratic bio-digital prison that will go forward, no matter what we do.
At this point 'the wall' a little TOO late. UNLESS IT IS TO KEEP THE AMERICANS IN!
People FORGET that Greg Abbot is one of the WEF cronies. I pray people REPENT and seek the ONLY ONE MESSIAH & KING YESHUA that can protect us and save us and WHO eternal life is promised if we follow and obey and turn from this evil and wicked world.
The downright insanity, wax cold, debased minds, lawlessness and spiritual blindness is driving me crazy. Such wickedness! Even in the churches. It's like Jesus said, when He returns will there be anyone left for Him. I don't want to talk to anyone anymore. Nobody is listening. It's madness! We are in the way. The faithful will be removed and hell will be loosed upon the world. God already said we are WORSE than Sodom and Gomorrah. WORSE than the days of Noah. Imagine that! Everyone is tattooed and has colored hair. They all look like dirty clowns.
What you said about the children being taught that chemtrails are actually plane exhaust, made me weep for the little ones. Lord please be merciful and SAVE them! 😫 Just heard first monkeypox case in Connecticut. Here we go! 🙄😑 Smh
God bless you!
"Everyone is tattooed and has colored hair. They all look like dirty clowns."
So true. And so poetically put.
And considering the majority of Americans seem to be engaging/sanctifying in this formerly romantic behavior now--and that at one point it was considered "edgy/rebellious/outsider/I-am-a-romantic-ndividualist-thumbing-my-finger-at-the-majority" behavior--I always wonder: Do any of these people consider that their romantic framing has been upended, turned into "acceptable/mainstream" behavior? And that romanticism (of the Roussean type)--which posits that human beings are inherently "good/sinless"--always somehow ends in nihilism and self-destruction?
Without an ABSOLUTE TRUTH there is no truth at all!….Great broadcast guys, getting pretty exciting. Without a doubt we ARE in the last days of the last days! I am so ready for the judgment of our Lord to fall on these nasty EVIL freaks usurping our govt. God Bless you and yours!!!
Based on all the scriptures I've read, I'm a post trib pre wrath person.i got that way by reading many more scriptures than often used.
But lately am starting to see something I find interesting. The way things are happening and thinking all will accelerate rapidly plus time being cut short, it seems the time lag between between pre and post trib may not be years but months or weeks. Both beliefs can't overlap but may be closer than we think. This is good news to me.
Also, I still believe that by reason of strength comes 80 years, I think Jesus returns in 2028, even possibly 2027.
I believe Jesus was crucified in 30 A.D.. Israel was then give 40 years to 70 A.D. to come to Christ, and a third did so, fled out, built churches and vanished into the gentiles that joined thru marriage as they had become one in Christ. That's why so many christians on DNA shocked they are part Israelites. God will reward modern Israel with one third saved in honor of the one third of Israel that built Christianity far greater than the apostles but building on their initial work.
So 30 A.D. to 2030 A.D. is 2000 years or 2 days. So return of Christ would be by math in 2030 but with time cut short to 2028 or possibly 2027 for more reasons left out here.
Will I lose faith if alive in 2031 ? No.
The error would be my understanding and not on God.
But I really think this is all possible.
Thank you both so much for your sincere love of God and his sheep
The image of the metal sphere reminds me of the Sphere within a Sphere in the Vatican Museums by the 93-year-old Arnaldo Pomodoro. His bronze Sphere within a Sphere known in Italian as Sfera con Sfera is a very striking bronze sculpting in the Pine Cone Courtyard (Cortile della Pigna) on display in an outdoor area within the Vatican Museums..
Originally the Sphere within a Sphere was intended for the Vatican but Pomodoro created numerous versions, all in different sizes.
They can be seen on display today in places including
The Vatican Museums,
Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland,
The U.N Headquarters in New York,
Mt. Sinai hospital in New York,
Tel Aviv University in Israel,
University of California, Berkley U.S,
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts U.S,
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art Iowa U.S,
Columbus Museum of Art, Iowa,
De Young Museum in San Francisco U.S,
Hirshhorn Museum in the sculpture garden in Washington D.C
and the Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis U.S. (??)
Great broadcast. I was just speaking with my friend earlier this week who left a 9-year relationship with a narcissist and said he was demon possessed and had a seared conscious. Nothing would help him except deliverance...but he does not believe in GOD. ..he is his own god. She was unequally yoked and I pray that she keeps seeking the FATHER and our BELOVED MESSIAH & KING!
So "Greg Abbot" is building a wall in Texas, eh? Ah, that's nice to hear. So quaint. Not going to do much to stop the intended demographic shift that is being imposed on America, though. As with California, our controllers are flying Chinese and Indians in to Texas in droves. These sorry obedient Borg-like entities are being brought here to run the great reset technocratic bio-digital prison that will go forward, no matter what we do.
At this point 'the wall' a little TOO late. UNLESS IT IS TO KEEP THE AMERICANS IN!
People FORGET that Greg Abbot is one of the WEF cronies. I pray people REPENT and seek the ONLY ONE MESSIAH & KING YESHUA that can protect us and save us and WHO eternal life is promised if we follow and obey and turn from this evil and wicked world.