Thank you Stuart! See you in the rapture!!

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Looking forward to it as well! 💜💜💜

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Hehe the crazier it gets the more excited I am. Mystery Babylon is surrounded, Gids timing is right on time as I have read in His word thousands of hours! And look at North Israel! For years I've told family and clients, keep your eyes on north Israel's neighbors, example Isaiah 17. I see the rapture in that chapter. " As when the Harvestman gathers the grain!

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I will put this here read on____ By Tony K and Jeremy the Ex 32° freemason, June 2024___

This week I received an email from Jeremy the Ex 32° freemason. What I read shocked me. I felt so incensed by what I was reading in it, that I asked him if I could please share it publicly. I believe people need to know the sort of things that are currently happening in the USA and in other parts of the world too.

We are being set up for famine and great hardship. Jeremy agreed to my publishing the contents of the email.

The rural sector and small businesses, particularly those with private ownership of land, farmers, market gardeners, beekeepers and other are being systematically bullied into submission by big government and a globalist agenda. The end result will be famine and great hardship.

Remember the Covid pandemic and the heavy fisted methods used to push people into submission to globally driven measures designed to allegedly keep people safe? Remember the bullying and vilifying of anyone who questioned the Fauci science? Well it seems, here we go again, with a new boogie man, or maybe boogie H5n2 bird flu!

Here is the email I received from Jeremy.


A relative of mine a Paternal cousin, my dad’s first cousin owns what was my great grandfather M.I. (* full name removed to protect privacy) whose nickname was “Shank” a 350 lb man who raised and butchered and cut his own beef and meat back in the 50s when he began it in his store and farm. My Dad’s Uncle built a fine new store in town back in the early ’70s after our Grandfather died in 69 and like our grandfather, he cuts meat for the people and sells his own he raises grass-fed beef, chicken, and turkey. He is the only one who has been, and is the only meat butcher and cutting of meat facility in the entire county as it is today. They have a store still to where they sell it in front of the processing facility. Small, but they do very well and stay busy, and not small for the tiny town standards.

Some issues came up in 2021 with the gov trying to make him cull and put in huge 50-gallon steel drums for the gov to come and take possession of many of his pigs. At least 100. He refused, and they threatened him, and then he thought it was forgotten.

Recently he was visited by FED FDA or Dept. of Ag agents and state agents, who told him as they unloaded all the 50-gallon steel drums in front of him in his front yard, he would have to cull every chicken and turkey on the property, which is a huge massive amount as they “supposedly” all have H1N1, and he said they laughed belly hard when they said it, and they did not test a single bird or even go into a single one of the turkey or chicken houses which are all state of the art and up to code as he rebuilt and made new ones about 9 years ago. Maybe 8 or 9 several hundred feet long chicken and turkey houses.

He said he refused, and a woman said there is not a “no” answer possible. “You’ll do it or it’ll be done for you, and we will come to collect them, “sealed.” Tony, they gave him 1 week. And he knew they were not bluffing. He is a man I have never seen rattled, like when they came in 2021 for the pigs, saying “no” all the way, and they threatened him then, saying he would regret it and be sorry for not complying.

And they did not offer to pay him one single penny this time. Before they were offering him compensation for killing the pigs. But not this time for the birds. This is what could make many small business farm owners go out of business taking all they have, and not giving a penny compensation for any of it. But they did offer to pay him a little if he would kill and store them. He refused, so they are going to come in soon I suppose and do it themselves. I would be concerned they would or could toss out some sort of chemical or powder to affect the next generation of livestock tossing stuff in the dirt I put nothing past these people in this day and time, if they make you give up your livestock and give it to the gov and pay nothing, then what wouldn’t they do if given the chance? I mean they have dropped enough chemicals in the water and rivers here that is known of. But what have they done in the dark is not known.

He said he knew the way they ordered him to cull and pack them, they were going to take and “store” the meat for their own. He said that in 2021 with the pork, knowing how they demanded him to kill, drain, and store them, it was to preserve the meat long term. IDK the vocabulary, or terms for this, but you know what I mean. Preserving it for them and theirs in the coming days of true famine. Or to be by reward given out to others who “earn it” by turning others in, for who knows what in the coming years, when really bad times are upon us.

The following day a different FED group, but the same state group people came back, and poured gasoline or something similar on the 5 bee hives he has for personal honey and raising them for himself, and he does not sell it. My Father and grandfather raised dozens of boxes of bee colonies as I grew up for us and the family. My dad’s first cousin did the same.

He said they told him without opening a single hive, or checking a single bee, that his bees all tested positive, or were found to be positive for some termite or insect larvae. Without looking at one single thing in the hive, or a single bee. And they said, “do you want to strike the match or do you want us to do it?” He elected for them to do it.

And confirmed that two people he knows well, who are local and his wife’s kin I believe, also had their hives burned without being checked.

As I do not keep up with much of my family from home, I did not know this but they have been burning hives back home for weeks. And it is a rural remote county. One of the most rural low population counties in the state, so if they are doing it there, then they are doing it state and nationwide. I did see a few stories of this in Europe, and Australia, but had not checked it from here, as we know we are facing the end of time. Every day it’s getting closer, so nothing good is coming anymore unless God gives it or sends it. But this is just more proving a TRUE FAMINE STARVATION PERIOD is coming fast!

However, they did not check or test a single chicken, turkey, or bee hive, or bee comb for what caused them to die or be burned. If this is public knowledge what is going on behind the scenes?

So my cousin told my Father the Gestapo told him no bee hives would remain that are compromised in public hands, as they are not raising the bees correctly, and risk a total extinction if left in private farm hands. And the few remaining hives or bees that do make it will have to be under federal “protection” and control, to keep them from going completely extinct, by the end of 2024.

That makes about as much sense as them saying “We have to stop farming to keep people from starving to death!” LOL. It is this sort of back-twisted speech that now is an everyday phrase worldwide.

People keep saying they’ll come after Christians too. I cannot go on. I am too tired and the world is so bad, and you know as well as I do, it has not even remotely begun to be, or get bad really bad yet. Not even close!


I asked Jeremy the following question:

Q) Is your relative in this example a freemason?

His response:

A) This one is not a Mason, I bet had he been he may have been left alone. If this is going on here, imagine it must be going on everywhere. Wanting to take the food from peoples mouths and cause all to be unable to obtain food unless they do what they demand. Evil beyond what most people can comprehend. Burning bee hives.

Here’s a very recent article from New Zealand on the burning of a large number of beehives


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Just wow... we have to be ready for so many things and the rapture. None of my neighbors are ready they are blind leading to Blind

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Thank you good stuff just all seeming like “the new normal”. Oh well comes to mind , and I, like you, can say that because I know where I’m going and frankly getting quite ready to go! I personally think the four horsemen are going to sum up what is going to happen after we are removed. The charismatic cool guy with all the right answers will show up at the right time, but he won’t stop millions from dying all over the world from famine, nor will he stop deadly wars all over nor will he stop deadly pestilence animals killing humans and death and more death! God bless you and Larry and your families! 🔜🆙💥

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thanks stewart, another good show. prayers for larry and all

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Great show Stuart! Always look forward to hearing from you, and of course Larry when he can join you!


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PRAYING for your speedy recovery Stewart!!!🙏⚔🛡⚔

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of Yehovah, and their righteousness is of me, saith Yehovah.

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Attorney Todd Callender at Reiner Fuellmichs Corona Committee Session # 97

MARCH/25/2022 > https://www.bitchute.com/video/9ehqZ8YRD7yh/

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Ezekiel 38 - The Land of "Unwalled" Villages - USA? > https://www.bitchute.com/video/Y3v5mXUSnofN/

timfoster405 - 5/31/2024 - May 6, 2020 - See this biblical overview of the difference between "Israel" and "Judah" - Christians and Jews - and see how this applies to Ezekiel 38 & 39.

Download Study Document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o_lc...

Download Ezekiel 38/39 Study: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yecg...

Link to 7 Good & Bad Years: • 7 Good Years & 7 Bad Years -- Daniel ...

See Link to George Washington's Vision: http://americascomingjudgment.com/Pro...

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THE EAGLE IS A Reichsadler circa WW II, looks like groundwork for a frame-up.


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Stewart had the Stew hot tonight. Love as always. Teach me in Heaven how to fly those Sporty craft okay. Salute!

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