Thank you you too for the Father's Day night broadcast. I am grateful that the Lord has allowed us all to hear what you have to say and that Larry was on tonight with you, Stewart. Have a wonderful week.

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Good update guys, just more undeniable evidence that the world is heading for the end times/the day of the lord” like a loaded freight train down a steep grade with its brakes already burned out! Thanks again glad Larry could get through with you Stewart you are a good team for the times we are in!

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Yahoo! Happy Father's Day brothers, we fly soon!! 😀

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Praying for you Stewart. Read Larry's Substack and the update on your health. Prayers for healing and complete recovery of what's ailing you. Renew restore and healed in Jesus name. 🙏🏻❤️

Side note, by now I'm sure you've seen the report birth of a white bison in Yellowstone on June 4. I may have missed it if you've announced it. Just saw the report today. I need to relisten to Sunday report.

Crazy stuff but mine are drawing nigh back to Christ once again. My prayers increase to draw them back into the fullness of the truth. Your weekly encouragement does so much to help direct my prayers. Thank you again Stewart and Larry. God bless and keep you.

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